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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Wenzel

How to Grow Strawberries

If you are an apartment dweller with space limitations but need to grow something sweet and delicious, growing strawberries in containers may be just the thing for you.

1. Decide on a planting area.

Strawberry plants are tiny and have shallow roots so that containers can be as wide as eight to 12 inches and as little as six inches deep. Plants need spacing of 10 to 12 inches. Small containers dry out fast, so planting several strawberry plants in a larger container makes for more convenient care.

Whatever pot you use, good drainage is critical. Pale-colored synthetic pots work well. The light pigment will help keep strawberry roots cool, and manufactured materials such as plastic retain water better than clay. Vertical planters and pots are other alternatives.

2. Select the strawberry variety you love

  • June-bearing strawberries- produce a flush of fruit in spring, but only once during the growing season. These can supply the most abundant yields.

  • Everbearing- usually produces berries in two to three flushes over the growing season.

  • Day-neutral is a newer variety of everbearing. Day-neutral plants will continue to produce fruit when temperatures stay between 35 and 85 degrees. In temperate areas, the plants can continue to yield well into autumn. Day-neutral strawberries can stop blossoming when temperatures climb above 85. So, this type is not the best option in zones with sweltering summers.

3. Chose an annual or perennial variety

Growing strawberries in a container as an annual are the easiest way to enjoy them. Just toss the old plants and start with new one's next season!

If you'd like to keep your plants producing a summer or two longer, then continue to fertilize after harvest. If your winters are not too nippy, you may be able to cover the plants in place by mulching well with straw or sawdust, or by placing the pots near the exterior of a house can make a warmer environment.

Strawberries also can be grown underneath a plastic row cover. Water enough so the plant does not get parched.

The bonus of sustaining plants over winter is that plants will yield more fruit their second year!

4. Use loose, well-draining soil.

You want soil that retains moisture but does not become waterlogged.

5. Select the right spot.

Strawberries thrive in six or more hours of direct sun a day. In growing zones with the highest heat, a plant may value some light shade across the day. If your site is dry, misting around the pots also can help the plants beat the heat. Spin the pot every two to three days for even exposure.

6. Water with intention.

The intent is to stop the plant from drying out and avoid saturated soil, which can cause decay. Since strawberry roots are shallow, you don't need to water until water runs out its base. At the height of summer, a lighter watering twice a day may work best. Water beneath the plant's leaves and avoid allowing water to stand on the leaves. Water early in the day to permit ample time for the water to absorb and dry off the plant before nightfall.

7. Fertilize on a schedule.

Ensure high fruit yields by feeding every other week with a potassium-rich liquid fertilizer.

8. Keep your plants healthy

When fruits begin to develop, gently lift them from the ground and place straw or wood chips underneath. This helps with rot prevention.

Once those berries come in, eat them right from the plant, freeze, jam or throw them into a smoothie. Strawberries are as tasty as they are healthy!

Thanks for reading!

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May 03, 2022

Great idea!!! The boys love strawberries 💕

Andrea Wenzel
Andrea Wenzel
May 06, 2022
Replying to

Yes they do! Do we need to get you a potted strawberry 🍓 plant for the back patio this year???

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